Reverend Regina Speaks!
Speaking and Teaching
Whether it is and an inspiring sermon of spiritual renewal at a local church or the importance of misison globally at an international conference, Reverend Regina is one of the most empowering and prolific speakers of our time. Her style is conversational and relatable for multiple audiences interested in an uplifting and transformative experience. See Reverend Regina's speaking schedule here.
Reverend Regina offers a liberating message of hope and justice as a contributor to "These Sisters Can Say It!" Edited by Martha Simmons, this second volume of powerful sermons from contemporary African American women preachers highlights some of the most thought–provoking and exegetically–sound contemporary preaching on issues of restoration and justice, empowerment and identity, and discipleship and faith.
Each sermon is packed with unalterable truths about the trustworthiness of our Lord and Lifted Savior. Offering practical, Bible–based solutions for the most pressing issues of our day, the sermons provide the "how to" that we all seek when attempting to take a more proactive role in our own lives. Proven pastors and trustworthy commentators of Calvary's cross, these Sisters can say it!
Reverend Regina offers a liberating message of hope and justice. Other contributors include: Eboni Marshall Turman, Neichelle Guidry Jones, Eustacia Moffett Marshall, Gloria E. Miller, Leslie Watson Malachi, Rosalyn Nichols, Sharon Riley, Lisa D. Jenkins, Mary Moore, Shauna St. Clair, Cherisna Jean–Marie, Betty M. Lovelace–Ross, Kecia Decosta Ford, Bernadette Glover, Violet Dease Lee, Joanne J. Noel, Angela Anderle, Tytrea Baker and Lisa M. Weah.
Speaking Topics &
Leadership Studios
Faith-Based Grant Management
Global Mission Leadership
Guest Preaching & Pulpit Ministry
Christyle Lessons & Life Studies
Mission Strategy & Vision Planning
Philanthropy & Fundraising
Women's Retreats & Conferences

Book Reverend Regina
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Upcoming Speaking Events
Oct 27, 2019
Centenary UMC Hartsville, South Carolina
Guest Preacher
Reverend Regina spent many of her childhood days growing up in Hartsville, South Carolina visiting her great-grandparents. It is her honor to return to the quaint town of Hartsville to serve as guest preacher at Centenary UMC, 830 S. 6th Street, Hartsville, South Carolina 29550.
Dec 28, 2019
"Worship Matters"
Lecturer | Black Worship Symposium
Reverend Regina will be the keynote presenter for the 2019 Trinity Vital Worship Grant Symposium for the Christian community to have deep insight into the rich history of African-American church music and worship. Her lecture will be based on the book, African American Christian Worship, by Melva Wilson Costen.
Location: Richland Library Edgewood Branch, 2101 Oak Street, Columbia, South Carolina, 10:00am-Noon
Sep 21, 2019
"Ready, Step, Go!: Moving Forward in Missions"
4-Day Missions Seminar Course
The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the mission of the church and how individual Christians use their gifts to contribute to that mission. The textbook for this course is The Mission of God's People by Christopher J.H. Wright. This course is offered through Myrtle Beach Wesleyan College and Pilgrim Seminary.
Sep 20, 2019
"Ready, Step, Go!: Moving Forward in Missions"
4-Day Missions Seminar Course
The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the mission of the church and how individual Christians use their gifts to contribute to that mission. The textbook for this course is The Mission of God's People by Christopher J.H. Wright. This course is offered through Myrtle Beach Wesleyan College and Pilgrim Seminary.
Sep 14, 2019
"Ready, Step, Go!: Moving Forward in Missions"
4-Day Missions Seminar Course
The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the mission of the church and how individual Christians use their gifts to contribute to that mission. The textbook for this course is The Mission of God's People by Christopher J.H. Wright. This course is offered through Myrtle Beach Wesleyan College and Pilgrim Seminary.
Sep 20, 2019
"Ready, Step, Go!: Moving Forward in Missions"
4-Day Missions Seminar Course
The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the mission of the church and how individual Christians use their gifts to contribute to that mission. The textbook for this course is The Mission of God's People by Christopher J.H. Wright. This course is offered through Myrtle Beach Wesleyan College and Pilgrim Seminary.
Sep 08, 2019
Madison United Methodist Church | Clarksville, TN
Guest Presenter. To help support an Africa University student in Zimbabwe, Africa with a merit scholarship, please visit www.support-africauniversity.org.
Apr 13, 2019
Women's Fun Day Conference
It's time to worship together! It's time to laugh together! It's time to share together! Join women from around the Pee Dee area of South Carolina as we celebrate a joyous life in Christ! Rev. Regina will serve as the guest speaker.
This event is free and open to the public thanks to the support of Africa University and the Hartsville District of The United Methodist Women. Lunch will be served.
St. Luke United Methodist Church
302 Dunlap Drive
Hartsville, South Carolina
Apr 04, 2019
President's Spring Lecture Series | Morris College
Speaking on "Charting My Course for a Successful Life: What Does that Mean to Me?," Rev. Regina will present a practical lecture at the Morris College Auditorium in Sumter, South Carolina on charting pathways to purposeful life-work with college students. This event is free and open to the public.
Morris College
100 W. College Street
Sumter, South Carolina 29150
Feb 27, 2019
"God's Love & Hip Hop!"
Rev. Regina will speak at Spartanburg Methodist College for the weekly chapel service sharing God's love as she tells the story of another United Methodist-related school, Africa University, in Zimbabwe. She will share her mission journeys around the world as a black Christian women while incorporating other black women throughout HER-story who paved the way on the mission field. Christian hip-hop artists with a South Carolina-based record label, Elphant Group, will perform. Join us!
Davis Chapel | Main Campus
Spartanburg Methodist College
1000 Powell Mill Road
Spartanburg, South Carolina 29301
Oct 06, 2018
McCabe United Methodist Church | St. Petersburg, Florida
Global Mission ACTIVATE Trainer www.tms-global.org/ACTIVATE. Let us teach you how to mobilize your local mission team!
Sep 09, 2018
Madison United Methodist Church | Clarksville, TN
Guest Presenter. To help support an Africa University student in Zimbabwe, Africa with a merit scholarship, please visit www.support-africauniversity.org.
Jun 30, 2018
"Show Me the Money!: How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal"
So often in ministry the vision is grand and the funding sources are few. This 4-hour interactive studio will explore the basic principles on writing an effective ministry grant from start to finish to include 1) finding grants resources within The United Methodist Church and beyond, 2) writing successful faith-based grant proposals and budgets, 3) and submitting important performance metrics and impacts.
Grant writing is a simple process but not an easy one. Attend this grant proposal writing studio and learn the tips and treats of making a small investment with potentially big returns. All are invited; ministry teams are welcome and encouraged.
Location: SC Conference Office of The United Methodist Church, 10am-2pm. Complementary one-on-one consultations are available from 2pm-3pm.
Aug 25, 2018
"Show Me the Money!: How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal"
So often in ministry the vision is grand and the funding sources are few. This 4-hour interactive studio will explore the basic principles on writing an effective ministry grant from start to finish to include 1) finding grants resources within The United Methodist Church and beyond, 2) writing successful faith-based grant proposals and budgets, 3) and submitting important performance metrics and impacts.
Grant writing is a simple process but not an easy one. Attend this grant proposal writing studio and learn the tips and treats of making a small investment with potentially big returns. All are invited; ministry teams are welcome and encouraged.
Location: SC Conference Office of The United Methodist Church, 10am-2pm. Complementary one-on-one consultations are available from 2pm-3pm.
Dec 10, 2017
9:00am & 11:00am
Oak Ridge United Methodist Church, Oak Ridge, NC
Guest Presenter. To help support an Africa University student in Zimbabwe, Africa with a merit scholarship, please visit www.africau.edu.
Nov 11, 2017
Edgewater United Methodist Church, Fort Charlotte, FL
Global Mission ACTIVATE Trainer www.tms-global.org/ACTIVATE. Let us teach you how to mobilize your local mission team!
Oct 18, 2017
All Day
Women's Retreat at Sea, Bahamas
All Aboard! Carnival Cruise Line & Journey Church (Columbia, SC). 2-Day Studio Leader: "My Sister's Keeper"
Sep 17, 2017
8:00am & 11:00am
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, Raeford, NC
Rev. Regina returns to her hometown to deliver a prophet word as the guest preacher in honor of Rev. Dr. John D. Fuller, Sr. pastoral anniversary.
Jul 23, 2017
St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, Camden, SC
Guest Preacher
Apr 10, 2016
8:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Butler Memorial United Methodist Church, Bronx, NY
Guest Preacher-Mission Sunday Celebration
3920 Paulding Avenue
Bronx, New York 10466 USA
Feb 21, 2016
8:30 AM
Siem Reap Methodist Church, Cambodia
Guest Preacher
Siem Reap Methodist Church
Siem Reap, Cambodia
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